Your Place and Mine, a Traveling Edupreneur Meet-up organized by Options for Education
What is an Edupreneur?
"Edupreneurs" are entrepreneurs who focus on creating and delivering educational products, services, or solutions. They blend education and entrepreneurship, often aiming to innovate and improve learning experiences, whether through technology, curriculum development, or other educational initiatives.
Why are we doing this?
We appreciate each one of you and your unique offerings and celebrate that even without school choice dollars, our community is doing a fantastic job of offering school choice in southern Oregon. We want to support you in any way that we can, but furthermore, we believe in the power of you all supporting each other. The hope is that you will walk away from each gathering with:
Inspiration ~ Expect that seeing how others have overcome challenges to meet the unique needs of their "tribe" will spark your own creative fire and give you renewed energy for the future
Relief ~ It can feel overwhelming to feel the pressure of meeting the needs of every family that comes to your door. Knowing your neighbor can help you redirect those who aren't a fit for your programming into the capable hands of someone else.
Connection ~ When Options for Education first started, feeling alone in the boat was the resounding vibe of educational entrepreneurs. Our mixers have brought so many of you together and given you all so much hope. We believe this traveling networking group will be even better!
Collaboration ~ How many wish they had an amazing art teacher at their school one day a week? How many have one of those art teachers that wish they had more hours? Who wishes they had more kids to create competitions for your kids (spelling? sports?) or do acts of community service with? How about a collective youth entrepreneurship fair? Think of the potential draw (and grant possibilities) when groups work together rather than independently.