Nature Rangers
Nature Rangers is a daytime supplemental homeschool program, designed to awaken and engage the hearts and minds of kids through hands-on nature activities, art projects, nature crafts, scientific discovery, and interest-led exploration.
Our days consist of gentle "place-based" nature learning with a low mixed-grade student ratio, where curiosity is the guide to spark interest and further inquiry into an endless supply of topics. We also use nature to inspire crafts and lead our discovery as we help children expand their comfort zones and build confidence. We strive to create a warm environment where we speak and educate with love and kindness, while also taking an active role teaching children how to communicate effectively, express their needs, and respect the needs of others.
Elle would be happy to add a day of Nature Rangers in Grants Pass if there is enough interest! To my knowledge, Nature Rangers is the first on-day drop off homeschool program. What a perfect way for parents to get a day off of homeschooling during the week to either work or get in some me-time or we-time.