Where to Begin
​Take time if you can. I suggest trying to plan ahead if possible, like the spring or summer before to spend time doing the following:
​​Breathe. Snuggle. Toast a cup of tea.​
Embrace your freedom as a homeschooler! to do "school" a million different ways - you are free to find YOUR way!
Hang out with other homeschool families that are enjoying their experience to get inspired. BUT, also remind yourself that your journey does not need to look any which way, look like anyone else's or produce the same results as anyone else. Homeschooling is truly choosing the path you see fit for your child, adapting and flowing as you feel your way through it, and having fun learning with your child! Don't judge others' journeys. Pictured to the right are my two youngest girls. One is eclectically homeschooling and one is in a full-time classical school. They couldn't be more opposite of learning experiences, but they are both very happy in their chosen environments. I happily support them both!
Come visit one of our events to meet other homeschool parents, go "shopping" in the resource fair to see all of the local education resources, and get excited... together!
We also have a big library of homeschool resources (huge actually, so narrow your search by things that matter to you like location, approach, or grade levels)
Investigate different style of homeschooling and imagine yourself using any of them to see it they fit. Here is a FANTASTIC video on homeschooling approaches.
Investigate options for curriculum. There are a million (literally) options and it can be overwhelming. Skip to our Curriculum page for some guidance on this topic.
Test out your ideas and educational tools on your kiddo. Give them the opportunity to choose for themselves what they like! Have fun getting to know your child in this new way and if something feels like you are pulling teeth to get them to do it, throw it out! There are plenty of other ways. Here is a great article on learning styles in homeschooling.
(stepping off my soap box now, LOL). I have blogged about my personal homeschool journey this year (see below).
We don't always have time to plan ahead. Life happens and sometimes we are shoved into homeschooling by unforeseen circumstances. Don't worry, friend. We are here for you. Fill out a contact form or give us a call anytime. We will do our best to support you.​

I couldn't have said it better myself!
(So, I didn't - here is a great video intro to homeschooling. Her journey is faith-based, but a great intro for secular as well.)
My Homeschool Journey Blog
Free classes, degrees and certifications. For high school students, Alison could be very helpful in career exploration or adding some value to your resume to get that first job or internship. For teachers, take a course in special education, classroom management, or a plethora of other topics to help you be the best teacher you can be.
7 Sisters
7Sisters Homeschool providing curriculum, coaching, and encouragement for homeschooling all the way to high school graduation. NO BUSY WORK! They have developed some curriculum, psychology, consumer math, etc., and also courses for homeschool parents! They offer a 33% discount for co-ops or other group learning sites. They have a ton of great advice organized by subject or age group.
7 Unique Ways to do do Science in Homeschool Highschool (I choose joy article)
Science doesn�t have to be the bane of your homeschool or a reason to quit homeschooling your high schooler to send them to school full-time. There are so many helpful homeschool companies such as College Prep Science that can make homeschooling science a wonderful experience for both you and your student!
Aleks Math
ALEKS is a research-based, online learning program that offers course products for Math, Chemistry, Statistics, and more. Rooted in 20 years of research and analytics, ALEKS is a proven, online learning platform that helps educators and parents understand each student's knowledge and learning progress in depth, and provides the individual support required for every student to achieve mastery. (OE note: Aleks is available for free through most charter schools)
Alpha Omega - Homeschool Curriculums
Homeschool options for every type of homeschool - with print, online and academy options, we make your job easier. Find the perfect option for your family's needs. They offer multiple products for different age groups and environments. From homeschool packets to online (recorded) school. Their ignitia program is used by schools across the nation including Enlightium (see resource).